A poem
In the solitude of my garden
I find myself rediscovering the joy of daydreaming,
exploring how it cradles my spirit and eases my breath.
It beckons me to immerse myself
in the melody of long-forgotten sounds and sights.
The hush of fallen snow,
the sparkle of a spider’s web,
the soft cooing of doves settling in,
trees dancing in the gentle breeze,
and the hypnotic patter of raindrops.
I yearn for the return of my childhood.
The rhythmic ticking of my father’s clock,
the gentle murmur of the woodland stream,
the night time starling chorus in our village,
and the rhythmic melody of the wind
serenading shimmering leaves,
these familiar sounds are captured in time.
I drift peacefully and resurrect them
with every breath, inhaling the memories.
In this state of dreamy reverie
the laughter of children
playing in the neighbouring yard,
and a distant dog’s bark, call to me.
Listen, can I still hear the distant church bell
or the forlorn keening of a plover?
These gently echoed sounds stir my soul,
lighten my senses, fold me in their joy,
and transport me to happier times.